A Game About Digging A Hole: What Platforms Can You Play On?

    A Game About Digging A Hole is a minimalist indie game where players dig in their backyard, collect resources, and upgrade equipment to dig even deeper, all while uncovering a mysterious secret.


    A Game About Digging A Hole is currently available on PC. It was released on Steam on February 7, 2025, for $4.99.


    Players start with basic equipment and a limited inventory. As they dig, they find ores and stones that can be sold to upgrade their shovel, inventory, battery, and even a jetpack. The main gameplay loop involves digging, upgrading, and digging more until players reach the bottom of their backyard and uncover a mysterious tunnel.

    About the Game

    A Game About Digging A Hole was developed by a solo artist at Cyberwave in just 14 days. The game quickly gained popularity, with over 100,000 Steam wishlists and millions of views on social media.